50 Last Names That Mean Moon and Their Meanings

50 Last Names That Mean Moon and Their Meanings


Have you ever been curious about the origins of last names? Surnames often carry deep meanings and histories, reflecting the cultures and beliefs of our ancestors. Among these, last names that mean “moon” are particularly enchanting. The moon, a celestial body that has captivated human imagination for centuries, has inspired countless myths, legends, and, yes, even last names. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of surnames that mean “moon,” exploring their origins, cultural significance, and the beautiful stories they tell.

last names that mean moon

The Cultural Significance of the Moon

The moon has always had a special place in human culture. From ancient civilizations to modern societies, the moon is revered as a symbol of beauty, mystery, and change. Many cultures have myths and legends that revolve around the moon, attributing it with powers of transformation and magic. Whether it’s the Greek goddess Selene, the Roman goddess Luna, or the Japanese moon deity Tsukuyomi, the moon’s influence is ubiquitous.

How Last Names Develop Meanings

Surnames have evolved over centuries, often reflecting the occupations, locations, and characteristics of the people who first bore them. Natural elements, such as the moon, sun, and stars, have always been a rich source of inspiration for names. In many cultures, the moon is associated with qualities like calmness, beauty, and mystery, making it a popular element in the creation of surnames.

last names that mean moon

15 Popular Last Names That Mean Moon

1. Luna
Origin: Latin
Meaning: Moon
Description: One of the most widely recognized surnames associated with the moon, “Luna” is popular in many Spanish-speaking countries and has a simple yet elegant charm.

2. Selene
Origin: Greek
Meaning: Moon goddess
Description: Derived from Greek mythology, Selene was the goddess of the moon. This surname carries a sense of mystique and ancient heritage.

3. Chandra
Origin: Sanskrit
Meaning: Moon
Description: Common in India, Chandra is a beautiful surname that directly translates to “moon” in Sanskrit, often associated with lunar deities in Hindu mythology.

4. Tsuki
Origin: Japanese
Meaning: Moon
Description: In Japanese, “Tsuki” means “moon” and is often associated with beauty and tranquility, reflecting the serene nature of the moon in Japanese culture.

5. Moon
Origin: English
Meaning: Moon
Description: This straightforward surname is used in English-speaking countries and directly refers to the moon, symbolizing phases and change.

6. Yue

Description: A Korean surname, “Wol” means “moon” and is often used in poetic contexts, highlighting the beauty of the night sky.

8. Mond
Origin: German
Meaning: Moon
Description: In German, “Mond” translates to “moon,” and this surname is often associated with mystery and nocturnal beauty.

9. Bader
Origin: Arabic
Meaning: Full moon
Description: This Arabic surname means “full moon,” reflecting the peak of lunar beauty and often symbolizing completeness and perfection.

10. Qamar
Origin: Arabic
Meaning: Moon
Description: “Qamar” is a widely used Arabic surname that means “moon,” often used in poetic and romantic contexts in Middle Eastern cultures.

11. Hilal
Origin: Arabic
Meaning: Crescent moon
Description: This surname refers to the crescent moon, a significant symbol in Islamic culture, representing new beginnings and hope.

12. Lunari
Origin: Italian
Meaning: Of the moon
Description: Derived from “luna,” meaning moon, this Italian surname suggests a strong connection to lunar qualities and beauty.

13. Seleneva
Origin: Greek/Slavic
Meaning: Moon-like
Description: A blend of Selene and Eva, this unique surname implies qualities of the moon, merging Greek mythology with a Slavic touch.

14. Lune
Origin: French
Meaning: Moon
Description: The French word for moon, “Lune” as a surname evokes a sense of romance and poetic beauty, common in French culture.

Asian Last Names That Mean Moon

Wol – A Korean surname that means “moon.”
Gyeong-wol – Another Korean surname that translates to “bright moon.”
Yue – A Chinese surname that means “moon.”
Dal – In Korean, Dal means “moon” and is often associated with poetic imagery.
Anga – A Thai surname meaning “moon,” symbolizing purity and serenity.

European Last Names That Mean Moon

Lunari – An Italian surname derived from “luna,” meaning moon.
Mond – A German surname that translates to “moon.”
Lunney – An Irish surname with origins linked to the moon.
Lunel – A French surname, stemming from the Latin “luna.”
Selene – A Greek surname, named after the moon goddess.

African Last Names That Mean Moon

Balogun – A Yoruba surname that can be associated with lunar imagery.
Mwezi – A Swahili surname meaning “moon.”
Ngalula – A Congolese surname that refers to the moon.
Dakarai – A Shona surname that means “moonlight.”
Selene – Adopted in some African cultures due to the influence of Greek mythology.

Middle Eastern Last Names That Mean Moon

Qamar – An Arabic surname meaning “moon.”
Hilal – Also an Arabic surname, referring to the crescent moon.
Bader – An Arabic name meaning “full moon.”
Kamar – A Persian surname that translates to “moon.”
Mah – In Persian, Mah means “moon” and is a common surname.

American Last Names That Mean Moon

Moon – Common in English-speaking countries, this surname directly means “moon.”
Luna – Popular in Latin communities within the United States.
Selena – Often used in homage to the Latin pop star, Selena, whose name is derived from the moon goddess.
Chandra – Used among Indian-American families, meaning “moon.”
Moonlight – An imaginative American surname inspired by the poetic imagery of moonlight.

Latin American Last Names That Mean Moon

last names that mean moon

1. Luna
Origin: Spanish
Meaning: Moon
Description: “Luna” is one of the most common and recognizable surnames in Latin America, directly translating to “moon” in Spanish.

2. Selena
Origin: Greek/Latin
Meaning: Moon goddess
Description: Popularized by the late singer Selena Quintanilla, this name has Greek origins and means “moon goddess.” It has become a beloved surname in Latin American cultures.

3. Candelaria
Origin: Spanish
Meaning: Candle
Description: While “Candelaria” means “candle,” it often symbolizes moonlight and illumination, blending lunar connotations with religious significance.

4. Lunera
Origin: Spanish
Meaning: Moon
Description: A variation of “Luna,” this surname emphasizes the moon’s beauty and elegance, often used poetically in Latin cultures.

5. Candela
Origin: Spanish
Meaning: Candle
Description: Similar to “Candelaria,” “Candela” signifies light and can be associated with the moon’s glow, reflecting purity and guidance.

6. De La Luna
Origin: Spanish
Meaning: Of the moon
Description: This surname translates to “of the moon,” indicating a direct and strong connection to lunar elements.

7. Lunetta
Origin: Italian/Spanish
Meaning: Little moon
Description: Derived from “luna,” “Lunetta” means “little moon,” often used as an affectionate and endearing surname in Latin cultures.

8. Luz
Origin: Spanish
Meaning: Light
Description: While “Luz” means “light,” it is frequently associated with moonlight, symbolizing clarity and illumination.

9. Marisol
Origin: Spanish
Meaning: Sun and sea
Description: Though “Marisol” means “sun and sea,” it is often linked with lunar imagery due to its poetic nature and frequent use in literature and songs.

10. Estrella
Origin: Spanish
Meaning: Star
Description: “Estrella” means “star,” but it is commonly associated with celestial bodies, including the moon, reflecting its shine and presence in the night sky.

11. Lucero
Origin: Spanish
Meaning: Bright star
Description: Similar to “Estrella,” “Lucero” means “bright star” and is linked to the moon’s brightness and guiding light.

12. Orquídea
Origin: Spanish
Meaning: Orchid
Description: While “Orquídea” translates to “orchid,” it symbolizes beauty and rarity, akin to the moon’s unique presence.

13. Solana
Origin: Spanish
Meaning: Sunlight
Description: Though “Solana” means “sunlight,” it often metaphorically refers to moonlight in literature and poetry, representing warmth and glow.

14. Lunares
Origin: Spanish
Meaning: Moon spots
Description: “Lunares” refers to spots or moles, often poetically linked to the moon’s surface and its visible craters.

15. Blanca
Origin: Spanish
Meaning: White
Description: “Blanca” means “white,” symbolizing purity and often associated with the moon’s bright, white light.

Unique Last Names That Mean Moon

Moondust – A rare surname evoking the mystical aspect of the moon.
Moonshadow – Another unique surname with a poetic ring to it.
Moonbeam – Rare and whimsical, suggesting a ray of moonlight.
Lunaris – A creative variation of “luna.”
Seleneva – A blend of Selene and Eva, implying moon-like qualities.

The Symbolism of the Moon in Names

The moon is a symbol of transformation, femininity, and mystery. It represents cycles and change, mirroring the phases of human life. When a last name is associated with the moon, it often conveys a sense of beauty, calm, and enduring mystery.

Modern Trends in Naming

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in names that connect with nature, including those associated with the moon. Influences from pop culture, such as books, movies, and music, have also played a role in the popularity of moon-related surnames.

Choosing a Last Name with Lunar Significance

When choosing a last name that means “moon,” consider the cultural significance and the personal meaning it holds for you. Reflect on the symbolism of the moon and how it resonates with your identity. Whether you are inspired by mythology, personal beliefs, or simply the beauty of the moon, a surname with lunar significance can add a unique touch to your name.


Last names that mean “moon” carry a rich tapestry of history, culture, and symbolism. From ancient myths to modern trends, these surnames reflect our fascination with the moon’s beauty and mystery. Whether you are exploring your own heritage or simply captivated by the allure of lunar names, the world of moon-related surnames offers a fascinating journey through time and culture.


What are some popular first names that mean “moon”?

Some popular first names that mean “moon” include Luna, Selene, Chandra, and Tsuki.

How can I find out if my last name means “moon”?

To find out if your last name means “moon,” you can research its etymology and cultural origins, or consult a genealogy expert.

Are there any famous people with last names meaning “moon”?

Yes, there are several famous people with last names that mean “moon,” including singer Selena Quintanilla (Selena) and actress Luna Blaise.

What is the most common last name that means “moon”?

The most common last name that means “moon” is likely “Luna,” especially in Spanish-speaking countries.

Can I change my last name to one that means “moon”?

Yes, you can legally change your last name to one that means “moon” by following the legal name change process in your country.

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